The Amoral Stingray on Kickstarter / by Aaron Walther

Stretch Goal Sticker

Stretch Goal Sticker

Greetings, friends!

The Amoral Stingray is FULLY FUNDED on Kickstarter right now and we still have one week to go with the campaign. You still have time to get the book and a few extra bonus items like exclusive prints and stickers.

The Kickstarter is also a great opportunity to get some original art by Kevin Bandt, Chris McJunkin, Buster Moody, Kristofor Harris, and Greg Mc.

When the Kickstarter is finished, the book will be available in the Second Thought store, so there will still be opportunities to get it in the future, but supporting the Kickstarter now helps to cover the printing costs so I can keep the book in stock longer.

Also, if we can hit our first stretch goal, all orders will receive this rad sticker, which I know you really want!

Thanks everybody for your support. Iā€™m really proud of this book and I know you are all going to love it.