Spooky Scary Clowns! / by Aaron Walther

Greetings, friends!

I come to you this week with several updates! First and foremost, The newest episode of Aaron’s Indie View is up. I chat with indie artist, Amanda Rachels, about her horror comic, Vicious Circus (currently funding on Kickstarter).

Additionally, I have a few other videos I’ve uploaded since the last newsletter. There is a bonus clip with Bryan Timmins where he shows off some of his custom toys. This was supposed to be edited into the main video, but I forgot so it gets its own bonus clip.

I am also going to start doing more comic book reviews. If you didn’t know, I work at a comic book store for my day job and have access to so many books. I have been reading a ton of new stuff, lately, so I am going to make an effort to post my thoughts and opinions of whatever I’m reading. I will will mostly be talking about graphic novels or collected trade paperbacks because I prefer to read/recommend completed stories. I’m afraid I won’t have a lot to say about a single issue of an ongoing arc. I will try to keep it a mix of classic and newer books, though.

I have reviews up for two newly released books, Stray Dogs and Letters from Animals. I also have a review of Aliens: Dead Orbit by James Stokoe. Check ‘em out if you are looking for new books to read. Also, please let me know if you have any recommendations. I’m always looking for something new to read.

But that’s not all! I still have one other thing to mention. Yesterday, the FINAL PAGE of The Uncontrollable Wreck-Lass went up! This book four years to make and it was an incredibly rewarding and creative process working with Sara. I think we’ve made a really great comic that is entertaining to kids and adults alike. We will launch a Kickstarter for the printed book on October 5th, so stay tuned.

Okay, I think I’m finally out of things to say, other than…

Thanks for reading,
