Making Your Own Path / by Aaron Walther

Greetings, friends!

On the newest episode of Aaron’s Indie View, I sit down with my good friend, Gabe Dunston. We had a very long conversation about his creative path as a comic creator, writer, and illustrator. Gabe is a very boisterous and extroverted individual who loves to talk about comic related things, so this episode clocks in at just under 2 hours, though I don’t mind telling you… We actually spoke for nearly FIVE hours!

I went into this episode fully intending to keep it around an hour long, but once we got going it was hard to stop. After nearly two hours of conversation, I gave up and just enjoyed hanging out and having an extended chat, resolving myself to editing our conversation down to a manageable length after the fact. This is why you will notice many edits in this episode. I was able to trim out the parts of conversation that are most relevant to the podcast, notably Gabe’s creative style and artistic career in self publishing. Check it out here!

Thankfully, this weekend is Memorial Day weekend, so I have an extra day to edit our mammoth conversation. I hope everyone has a relaxing holiday.

Thanks for reading,
--Aaron Walther